Spiced Chicken With Risotto, Wild Mushroom Cognac Cream, and Pan-Seared Ramps

You can never have too many Mediterranean recipes, so give Spiced Chicken With Risotto, Wild Mushroom Cognac Cream, and Pan-Seared Ramps a try. One serving contains 1911 calories, 79g of protein, and 82g of fat. This recipe serves 2 and costs $7.73 per serving. It works best as a main course, and is done in roughly 45 minutes. A mixture of shitake mushrooms, arborio rice, white wine, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so scrumptious. This recipe from Foodista has 3 fans. It is a good option if you're following a gluten free diet. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 76%. This score is solid. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Pappardelle with Rabbit, Ramps, and Wild Garlic, Farro Risotto (Farrotto) with Ramps and Roasted Asparagus, and Simple Wild Ramps Tasting.

Servings: 2

Preparation duration: -1 minutes

Cooking duration: -1 minutes



2 chicken quarters (these are leg/thighs)

2 chicken quarters (these are leg/thighs)

1 cup arborio rice

1 cup arborio rice

1 shallot

3 ounces shitake mushrooms

3 ounces shitake mushrooms

3 ounces oyster mushrooms

6 ounces baby bella mushrooms

fresh, garden cut chives

8 ramps (a.k.a. tender baby leeks)


heavy cream

white wine

fresh chopped parsley

fennel salt

sea salt

cracked black pepper

cayenne pepper






frying pan



Cooking instruction summary:

I prep my vegetables first starting by peeling, halving, and slicing my strangely oblong shallot thinly, into variegated half-moons. Then I wash the roots of my ramps, which are tender baby shallots, shot through with vibrant purple, topped with leafy greens, and tipped with firm white bulbs. I trim off the ends, then cut the green leaves from the pinkywhite stalks. They release a sweetly oniony aroma not pungent, but thoroughly vegetal. I set these lengths of green goodness aside. Its time to prepare my mushrooms, which I wash and dry thoroughly to remove all the silt and dirt clinging to their tender stalks. This strange twin shitake reminded me of Quatto from Total Recall (one of my favorite go-to-on-a-rainy-Sunday-afternoon sci-fi movies) I sliced them thinly and lengthwise. I also have some delicate, creamy oyster mushrooms. They naturally spring from the same root, bifurcating and trifurcating at their supple elbows and knobby knees, exploding into flowering trumpets from their several sets of shoulders and their outcurling heads. I nip these into individuals, respecting their natural tubular shapes. I melt two tablespoons of butter in my wok and add half my shallots, stirring to coat, scent, and soften. I add a dash of salt and pepper, and sautee. I dump in my sliced mushrooms, including my baby bellas (which I bought sliced which were cheaper, I admit, than whole but frankly just as good), and I toss well with the butter and soft shallots. I set the heat to low, and tossing regularly I let the mushrooms reduce, release their liquids, and simmer in their own rich brown juices. On the right heat setting, this can take as long as you need it to which, for me, is about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, I have all my other heat sources going, too: on one, I have a quart of chicken stock simmering on low; on another, a few glugs of EVOO and the rest of my shallots over medium heat; on the final eye, I have two more glugs of EVOO simmering on high heat, onto which Ive placed my Chicken legs, onto which Ive sprinkled sea salt, cracked black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, and granulated garlic, and which I then sear On both sides in hot EVOO in my large skillet. After each side has crisped a bit, I place this into a 350 degree oven for the next 15-20 minutes. I dump my arborio rice into the pan thats been softening the remainder of my shallots in EVOO. By stirring the pot well, I coat each plump grain with hot fat, toasting their outsides, readying them for the absorption of the warms liquids Im soon to introduce. I then add about a cup of white wine. Its not exact I just sort of douse the pan with wine, not fully covering my rice, but also not being too cheap. About a cup which I stir well, over low heat, allowing all the moisture to be sucked in by the starchy rice grains. Once the wine is absorbed, and stirring the pan means revealing its stainless steel surface, I add 4oz of my warm chicken stock. For risotto, you have to add already hot liquids to the already hot rice, which promotes absorption, and which when stirred well, as most traditional risottos require releases the binding strings of starch from the dried rice kernels, creating the creamy texture and toothsome consistency of Italys most homey staple. The technique? Add 4oz of hot stock every time the previous 4oz I added has absorbed into the rice, then I add another scoop. And I stir, and stir, and stir constantly. When the opaque white center of my rice kernels has disappeared, I try a nibble, continuing to cook until there is no hard starch left in the center of any random sample. Meanwhile, my mushrooms have simmered down to at least 1/2 their original volume, and Im ready to add their final flavorings. Cognac (this is a nip; but looks big, right? I use 1/2 of it, so 25 ml.), and Heavy cream about a cup. I set the heat to low simmer. Clayton bought me a lovely jar of fennel salt, which I added to this mixture to flavor it. You could substitute ground fennel or fennel seeds, onion powder, and fine ground sea salt instead. I stir this well, flavoring to taste, and set to simmer while the rest of dinner finishes. This can hold for some time, if need be just stir occasionally, continuing to coat each shroom slice with sweet sweet moisturizing cream. Finally, on the back eye (which has freed up, since all my stock is absorbed in my risotto), Ive set my small skillet to high heat, and have brought some EVOO to sizzling. I add first my white ramp stalks, tossing them in the hot oil, searing and browning their delicate bodies. After a few beats, I add the leaves themselves, also tossing well, and also allowing them to sear in the hot, nutty oil, crisping on the edges, becoming more delicious by the moment. As my ramps sizzle, I grate about a cup of my hard Italian cheese into my ready (tender to the tongue) risotto, and add about a cup of chopped parsley. Now my rice is super creamy, very flavorful, snappy with green and salty with cheese, and ready to mold as a base for my plate. Finally, I add my chopped chives our gardens first harvest of the season! to my cream cognac mushroom sauce, adding just the green savory freshness to this rich earthiness. Creamy craggy mounds of parsley parmeggiano risotto support supple, spicy, crisp-skinned legs of savory chicken, and are surrounded by tender, toothsome, rich and complex creamy cognac mushrooms, and topped with garden-snappy spring leeks, sharpened with EVOO and sea salt. A full-bellied beautiful meal, a mouthful of stick-to-your-ribs tenderichearthiness, a nest of wholesome goodness uniting ground, air, marshland and kitchen garden, the chicken and the cow, the simple and the rich. Enjoy this dinner, my friends. I recommend it as salve for the soul.


Step by step:

1. I prep my vegetables first starting by peeling, halving, and slicing my strangely oblong shallot thinly, into variegated half-moons.

2. Then I wash the roots of my ramps, which are tender baby shallots, shot through with vibrant purple, topped with leafy greens, and tipped with firm white bulbs.

3. I trim off the ends, then cut the green leaves from the pinkywhite stalks. They release a sweetly oniony aroma not pungent, but thoroughly vegetal. I set these lengths of green goodness aside.

4. Its time to prepare my mushrooms, which I wash and dry thoroughly to remove all the silt and dirt clinging to their tender stalks. This strange twin shitake reminded me of Quatto from Total Recall (one of my favorite go-to-on-a-rainy-Sunday-afternoon sci-fi movies) I sliced them thinly and lengthwise.

5. I also have some delicate, creamy oyster mushrooms. They naturally spring from the same root, bifurcating and trifurcating at their supple elbows and knobby knees, exploding into flowering trumpets from their several sets of shoulders and their outcurling heads. I nip these into individuals, respecting their natural tubular shapes.

6. I melt two tablespoons of butter in my wok and add half my shallots, stirring to coat, scent, and soften. I add a dash of salt and pepper, and sautee.

7. I dump in my sliced mushrooms, including my baby bellas (which I bought sliced which were cheaper, I admit, than whole but frankly just as good), and I toss well with the butter and soft shallots. I set the heat to low, and tossing regularly I let the mushrooms reduce, release their liquids, and simmer in their own rich brown juices. On the right heat setting, this can take as long as you need it to which, for me, is about 20 minutes.

8. Meanwhile, I have all my other heat sources going, too: on one, I have a quart of chicken stock simmering on low; on another, a few glugs of EVOO and the rest of my shallots over medium heat; on the final eye, I have two more glugs of EVOO simmering on high heat, onto which Ive placed my

9. Chicken legs, onto which Ive sprinkled sea salt, cracked black pepper, paprika, cayenne pepper, and granulated garlic, and which I then sear

10. On both sides in hot EVOO in my large skillet. After each side has crisped a bit, I place this into a 350 degree oven for the next 15-20 minutes.

11. I dump my arborio rice into the pan thats been softening the remainder of my shallots in EVOO. By stirring the pot well, I coat each plump grain with hot fat, toasting their outsides, readying them for the absorption of the warms liquids Im soon to introduce.

12. I then add about a cup of white wine. Its not exact I just sort of douse the pan with wine, not fully covering my rice, but also not being too cheap. About a cup which I stir well, over low heat, allowing all the moisture to be sucked in by the starchy rice grains.

13. Once the wine is absorbed, and stirring the pan means revealing its stainless steel surface, I add 4oz of my warm chicken stock. For risotto, you have to add already hot liquids to the already hot rice, which promotes absorption, and which when stirred well, as most traditional risottos require releases the binding strings of starch from the dried rice kernels, creating the creamy texture and toothsome consistency of Italys most homey staple.

14. The technique?

15. Add 4oz of hot stock every time the previous 4oz I added has absorbed into the rice, then I add another scoop. And I stir, and stir, and stir constantly.

16. When the opaque white center of my rice kernels has disappeared, I try a nibble, continuing to cook until there is no hard starch left in the center of any random sample.

17. Meanwhile, my mushrooms have simmered down to at least 1/2 their original volume, and Im ready to add their final flavorings.

18. Cognac (this is a nip; but looks big, right? I use 1/2 of it, so 25 ml.), and

19. Heavy cream about a cup. I set the heat to low simmer.

20. Clayton bought me a lovely jar of fennel salt, which I added to this mixture to flavor it. You could substitute ground fennel or fennel seeds, onion powder, and fine ground sea salt instead. I stir this well, flavoring to taste, and set to simmer while the rest of dinner finishes. This can hold for some time, if need be just stir occasionally, continuing to coat each shroom slice with sweet sweet moisturizing cream.

21. Finally, on the back eye (which has freed up, since all my stock is absorbed in my risotto), Ive set my small skillet to high heat, and have brought some EVOO to sizzling. I add first my white ramp stalks, tossing them in the hot oil, searing and browning their delicate bodies. After a few beats, I add the leaves themselves, also tossing well, and also allowing them to sear in the hot, nutty oil, crisping on the edges, becoming more delicious by the moment.

22. As my ramps sizzle, I grate about a cup of my hard Italian cheese into my ready (tender to the tongue) risotto, and add about a cup of chopped parsley. Now my rice is super creamy, very flavorful, snappy with green and salty with cheese, and ready to mold as a base for my plate.

23. Finally, I add my chopped chives our gardens first harvest of the season! to my cream cognac mushroom sauce, adding just the green savory freshness to this rich earthiness.

24. Creamy craggy mounds of parsley parmeggiano risotto support supple, spicy, crisp-skinned legs of savory chicken, and are surrounded by tender, toothsome, rich and complex creamy cognac mushrooms, and topped with garden-snappy spring leeks, sharpened with EVOO and sea salt. A full-bellied beautiful meal, a mouthful of stick-to-your-ribs tenderichearthiness, a nest of wholesome goodness uniting ground, air, marshland and kitchen garden, the chicken and the cow, the simple and the rich. Enjoy this dinner, my friends. I recommend it as salve for the soul.

Nutrition Information:

1911 Calories
79g Protein
81g Total Fat
187g Carbs
53% Health Score
Limit These


  Saturated Fat






Get Enough Of These


Vitamin B3




Vitamin K

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B5


Vitamin A







Vitamin B12

Vitamin E

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

covered percent of daily need
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Food Trivia

Tiramisu means ‘pick me up' in Italian.

Food Joke

Q: How many Polish-Americans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 170. One to send the Never Fail Novena to the Cheektowaga Times for publication so St. Jude may grant the lightbulb request, one to say the Last Rites for the old lightbulb, ten volunteer firemen to break into the house and smash the old light bulb to bits, fifty to protest the abortion of the old lightbulb, ten to organize a lawn fete and spaghetti dinner at Our Most Holy Precious Blood of the Seventeen Martyred Saints R.C. Church to raise funds to buy a new light bulb , twenty from Chiavettas Catering to serve the food, twenty to run the Monte Carlo gambling tent, fifty to run everything else, one to go to Koplinskis Appliances to buy the light bulb, one to screw it in, five to say the Rosary as the bulb is being screwed in, and the Monsignor to bless it.

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