Pollo Guisado

If you want to add more dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan recipes to your recipe box, Pollo Guisado might be a recipe you should try. One portion of this dish contains about 0g of protein, 0g of fat, and a total of 1 calories. This recipe serves 6. For 2 cents per serving, this recipe covers 0% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe is liked by 452 foodies and cooks. If you have cucharadita de sal, taza de aceitunas cortadas en mitades, tazas de agua, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 40 minutes. Plenty of people really liked this side dish. It is brought to you by Cocina Dominicana. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 33%. This score is not so tremendous. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Pollo Guisado (Chicken Stew), Guisado de Pollo (Chicken and Potato Stew), and Pollo Guisado a la Jardinera (Braised Chicken with Vegetables).

Servings: 6

Preparation duration: 15 minutes

Cooking duration: 25 minutes



Unas hojas de cilantro

1 pizca de orégano

2 ajíes cubanela o 1 pimiento morrón

1 cucharadita de azúcar blanca regular

1 taza de salsa de tomate

1 cebolla roja pequeña cortada en rodajas u octavos

2 cucharadas de aceite (maíz, maní o soya)

½ cucharadita de ajo triturado

¼ cucharadita de pimienta

1 cucharadita de sal (podrías necesitar más)

2 libras [0.9 kg] del pollo

2 limones (limas fuera de la RD) cortados en mitades

¼ taza de aceitunas cortadas en mitades (opcional)

½ taza de apio picado (opcional)

2 tazas de agua

4 tomates cortados en 4 cuartos


Cooking instruction summary:

Corta el pollo en piezas pequeñas, limpia de piel y grasa.Frota la carne con el limón asegurándote de que todo el pollo se impregne con el.Agrega al pollo pimienta, una pizca de sal y orégano, apio, cebolla, ajo y deja marinar por una hora en la nevera.En un caldero calienta el aceite a fuego medio y agrega el azúcar, cuece hasta que se torne pardo oscuro.Agrega la carne (reserva los vegetales de la marinada) y sofríe revolviendo hasta que la carne adquiera un color dorado uniforme.Agrega dos cucharadas de agua. Cubre y cuece por unos 15 minutos, agregando agua por cucharadas revolviendo regularmente. Evita que se queme.Añade apio, cebolla, ajo, tomates, ajíes y aceitunas. Agrega la salsa de tomate y media taza de agua y mezcla bien.Cuece a fuego lento hasta que los vegetales estén cocidos. Agrega el cilantro. Sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto.Sirve caliente con arroz blanco, algún acompañante, habichuelas y ensalada.


Step by step:

1. Corta el pollo en piezas pequeñas, limpia de piel y grasa.Frota la carne con el limón asegurándote de que todo el pollo se impregne con el.Agrega al pollo pimienta, una pizca de sal y orégano, apio, cebolla, ajo y deja marinar por una hora en la nevera.En un caldero calienta el aceite a fuego medio y agrega el azúcar, cuece hasta que se torne pardo oscuro.Agrega la carne (reserva los vegetales de la marinada) y sofríe revolviendo hasta que la carne adquiera un color dorado uniforme.Agrega dos cucharadas de agua. Cubre y cuece por unos 15 minutos, agregando agua por cucharadas revolviendo regularmente. Evita que se queme.Añade apio, cebolla, ajo, tomates, ajíes y aceitunas. Agrega la salsa de tomate y media taza de agua y mezcla bien.Cuece a fuego lento hasta que los vegetales estén cocidos. Agrega el cilantro. Sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto.Sirve caliente con arroz blanco, algún acompañante, habichuelas y ensalada.

Nutrition Information:

1k Calories
0.04g Protein
0.01g Total Fat
0.28g Carbs
1% Health Score
Limit These


  Saturated Fat





Get Enough Of These

Vitamin K

covered percent of daily need
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Food Trivia

One of the most hydrating foods to eat is the cucumber, which is 96% water.

Food Joke

Are you a true elementary school teacher? Let's find out: 1. Do you ask guests if they have remembered their scarves and mittens as they leave your home? 2. Do you move your dinner partner's glass away from the edge of the table? 3. Do you ask if anyone needs to go to the bathroom as you enter a theater with a group of friends? 4. Do you hand a tissue to anyone who sneezes? 5. Do you refer to happy hour as "snack time?" 6. Do you say "I like the way you did that!" to the mechanic who repairs your car to your satisfaction? 7. Do you ask "Are you sure you did your best?" to the mechanic who fails to repair your car to your satisfaction? 8. Do you sing the "Alphabet Song" to yourself as you look up a number in the phone book? 9. Do you say everything twice? I mean, do you repeat every- thing? 10. Do you fold your spouse's fingers over the coins as you hand him/her the money at a tollbooth? -If you answered yes to 4 or more, it's in your soul--you are hooked on teaching. And if you're not a teacher, you missed your calling. -If you answered yes to 8 or more, well, maybe it's TOO MUCH in your soul--you should probably think about retirement. -If you answered yes to all 12, forget it--you'll ALWAYS be a teacher, retired or not!

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