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Food Trivia

The Arabs invented caramel.

Food Joke

Why did they let the turkey join the band? Because it had the drumsticks. What did the big watch hand say to the small hand? "Got a minute?" Where do you go to replace a missing chess piece? To the Pawn Shop What’s faster: heat or cold? Heat because you can catch a cold. How do you fix a broken tomato? With tomato paste! What did Paul Revere say when he finished his famous ride? "Whoa!". You can tune a piano, but how do you tuna fish? You play on its scales. Why was the expert in the pretzel factory fired? He tried to straighten things out. Why don’t you take the bus home today? I can’t. My mother will make me take it back. What is the most important part of a horse? The mane part. What is Everyone in the world doing at the same time? Growing old.

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